# Сontrol website links using Embedded RWC

There are a lot of ways to navigate website that is available in RWC.

# Custom template

Let's consider a case when a user receives a message and RWC navitages website to a particular section of the website using hash anchor.

# Webpage example

Contains 3 sections that are marked with #red, #green, #blue anchors.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport"
        content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />

<a id="link" href="#blue">Go to blue section</a>

<div class="section red" id="red">RED SECTION</div>
<div class="section green" id="green">GREEN SECTION</div>
<div class="section blue" id="blue">BLUE SECTION</div>

<div id="rwc"></div>

  // ...
  // ...

  .section {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    color: #fff;

  .section.red { background: red; }
  .section.green { background: green; }
  .section.blue { background: blue; }


# Preview


Next, lest create custom component that clicks on link.

Custom component does not render any message, only clicks on link that navigates user to blue section.

# Vue template example

return {
  template: {
    template: ``,
    mounted () {
      // get link as dom element
      const link = document.getElementById('link');
      // check if link exist and simulate click
      // immediately send mesage to proceed to next step
      this.sendMessage({ message: '' });

# HTML template example: JavaScript

// get link as dom element
const link = document.getElementById('link');
// check if link exist and simulate click

sendMessage({ message: '' });

# Result



Another way to navigate user to section is to directly set location.hash property to section ID.

JavaScript code will look like this:

window.location.hash = 'blue'
// or window.location.hash = '#blue'


In this example we use only anchors, if a link opens a new page window.location.hash logic will not work, if you want to navigate user to another page use window.location = 'page url'.

When clicking on a link programatically logic will work in both cases.

# Other ways to navigate user

Whenever you see JavaScript field you can execute logic that will navigate user to section in a page or to another page on a website.

In order to navigate user to another page or current page anchor use this two examples:

window.location.hash = 'page anchor' // navigate to page anchor
window.location = 'page url' // navigate to another page

# Example with global commands button

Global commands step setup

# Result



If your webpage url contains #blue anchor and you scrolled to another section, clicking on a button will not navigate you to blue section, reset #blue anchor from url.

window.location.hash = '';
window.location.hash = 'blue';
Last Updated: 9/22/2023, 10:58:53 AM